- Health Policy -

For Bee Haven Children

Bee Haven

Health Policy

Please click HERE for Bee Haven’s Covid-19 policies & procedures


If your child has exhibited any of these symptoms please keep your son or daughter at home. Thank you for respect and consideration of teachers, other classmates and parents.

Fever of 100°F (38.5°C) or higher

Consecutive bouts of diarrhea, or has vomited within the past 24 hours

Skin infection, undiagnosed rash, eye infection or signs of infectious disease

Parasite related conditions (impetigo, scabies, head lice, etc.)

Acute cold with running nose or eyes, sore throat

Has been on antibiotics for less than 24 hours

Your child may return to the centre when his/her health has returned back to the following:

Fever has remained below 100°F (38.5°C) for 24 hours without medication

Child has had at least one normal bowel movement

24 hours has passed since last bout of vomiting

Child has been examined by a doctor and has received medical clearance for an infection or parasite related condition

After being on antibiotics for 24 hours

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At Bee Haven one of our fundamental goals is to maintain clear and constant communication with our families. We understand the need for open, honest, and direct communication in a sensitive and professional manner. We always want to support our parents, which is why we feel that the parent-teacher relationship is of paramount importance.